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Meditation is one of the essential practices of Buddhism. Improves the ability to concentrate. attention and intelligence, allowing us to discern the real and develop innate and essential wisdom.

It seeks to liberate the problematic patterns of thought and behavior that trap unenlightened existence. Buddhist meditation generally comes in two types: the Stabilizing or Samatha and the Analytical or Vipassana.

Stabilizing meditation or Samatha trains the attention to remain without distraction on an object. The Analytic or Vipassana trains the consciousness to look behind the superficial level of experience to see the reality underlying our daily experience.


Fotos del festival de Saka Dawa en Mt Kailash, Tibet

Próximos eventos

  • Curso de la lengua Tibetan
    Curso de la lengua Tibetan
    Curso en Julio - Fecha a confirmar
    Curso en Julio - Fecha a confirmar
    Curso en Julio - Fecha a confirmar
    En Julio inicia el Curso clásico de la lengua tibetana con el profesor Venerable Pema Kunchamg
  • El Modo de Vida del Bodhisattva - El texto incluye 10 capítulos, y son tres clases de cada tema.
    El Modo de Vida del Bodhisattva - El texto incluye 10 capítulos, y son tres clases de cada tema.
    Enseñanza | Curso
    Belgrano R, CABA, Argentina
    Enseñanza | Curso
    Belgrano R, CABA, Argentina
    Enseñanza | Curso
    Belgrano R, CABA, Argentina
    Shantideva en su Bodhicaryavatara muestra el camino esencial del bodhisattva. El texto incluye 10 capítulos, y son tres clases de cada tema.
  • Meditation classes
    Meditation classes
    To be confirmed
    Facebook or Zoom
    To be confirmed
    Facebook or Zoom, Belgrano R, CABA, Argentina
    To be confirmed
    Facebook or Zoom, Belgrano R, CABA, Argentina
    The different courses and teachings will be offered in person and through the digital media of Facebook or Zoom. Those interested in participating are required to register in advance by sending an email with their name and contact telephone number.
  • Meditation classes
    Meditation classes
    To be confirmed
    Facebook or Zoom
    To be confirmed
    Facebook or Zoom, Belgrano R, CABA, Argentina
    To be confirmed
    Facebook or Zoom, Belgrano R, CABA, Argentina
    The different courses and teachings will be offered in person and through the digital media of Facebook or Zoom. Those interested in participating are required to register in advance by sending an email with their name and contact telephone number.
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