Monastery Project
La Joya del Sur - A Monastery in Mendoza
What is monasticism?
Buddha said that the Dharma would disappear when the vows are no longer kept and the Vinaya or code of ethics established to preserve the Buddha's teachings, which is mentioned in the Sutras and Tantras, perishes.
The monastic life is very disciplined and it is not an easy way of life. Monastic life offers a real opportunity for a deeply spiritual and meaningful life in order to dedicate oneself fully to the Dharma and to the service of others without distraction in a world which is continually losing values. It offers people the opportunity to have a radical transformation of the heart and live as Buddha lived.
The Buddha ordained himself into the 'homeless life' by cutting his hair and giving up his wealth, family and right to the throne in order to fully follow the spiritual path. He ordained other followers as renouncers after his enlightenment. Thus, a monastic aspirant likewise has to cut his hair, renounce his worldly possessions, and enter the ordained community to practice diligently in order to attain enlightenment. Many lay Buddhists with families also made great progress on the spiritual path in the Buddha's time and attained enlightenment. But the Buddha said that for the Dharma to last long it was necessary for monastics to practice full time keeping the Vinaya rules pure.
The sutras also state that a place where Buddhism flourishes must have fully ordained monastics, nuns and monks. So, it is clear from the beginning that for Buddhism to last long in one place, there must be those who practice the Dharma seriously respecting the Pratimoksha vows that the Buddha himself proclaimed. Thus, the four pillars of Buddhism consisting of monks, nuns, and lay men and women are upholding the Dharma.
Monastic life offers a significant example that allows people to progress rapidly on the spiritual path without the distractions of worldly responsibilities. Monastics respect the vows of celibacy and simplicity.