Monastery Project
La Joya del Sur - A Monastery in Mendoza

support to the monastic
In several Western countries there is a kind of spiritual poverty. In the midst of our busy lives, we easily forget what is deeply important. Very few of us have time to fully dedicate ourselves to serving the large percentage of humanity that is oppressed, lives in poverty, or lacks the basic standards for a dignified human life.
We are inspired by the example of the Buddha, who dedicated himself to reaching the highest state of freedom from suffering that any human being can attain. We seldom support other people to reach this state and so far Western countries do not have well-trained Western Buddhist teachers and they are practitioners not supported by people from their own country. Rather, we tend to see traditional Buddhists as the 'true' teachers and sometimes don't give people from our own land a chance.
Recognizing the importance of having a well-trained Monastic Sangha who can be a teacher in their own country is important for the flourishing and long-term preservation of the Dharma, which is written in the Sutras. We wish to encourage the existence of monastics of whom 60 to 70% often return to monastic robes due to lack of support as many of them are not supported by the Tibetan system in which they were ordained.
We hope to create a monastery in the West in the future where monastics are allowed to train and study for free, living in the precepts and in the manner established by the Buddha.