Tibetan Buddhism in Argentina
We follow the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism whose head is His Holiness The XIV Dalai Lama.
It is also called "the yellow hats." It is the youngest of the Tibetan schools, although today it is the largest and most important. It was founded in the late 14th century by Tsong khapa establishing monastic discipline. The practices focus on achieving concentration through meditation and awakening the bodhisattva (buddha nature) within.
Sé tu propio terapeuta
Sé tu propio terapeuta" Una introducción al pensamiento budista Lama Thubten Yeshe
Una introducción al pensamiento budista Lama Thubten Yeshe Esta enseñanza de Lama Yeshe es como un espejo para observar nuestra mente, para ir más allá de las palabras, para descubrirnos a nosotros mismos y para convertirnos en nuestros propios psicólogos.
A monastery in Mendoza
Monastery Project
The goal of the Monastery Project is to establish a monastic and lay community in Argentina making Buddhist philosophy accessible in Latin American lands as well as creating a series of social services to benefit the community.
The idea of the monastery project began in the heart of Ven Thubten Kundrol several years ago to benefit Argentina and all beings through Buddhist wisdom.
The start of the project began with the help of several foreign volunteers from various countries. Currently, the goal of the monastery project remains latent and is based on the immeasurable benefit that it will provide to current society as well as to that of future generations.
The aspiration of the project is supported by the legacy of the Buddha's teachings. In the practice of developing the values of not harming, loving compassion, reflection, service to the community, as well as respect for animals and nature. Pure Dharma practice leads all beings to achieve a higher state, free from all suffering and higher happiness.