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Monastery Project

La Joya del Sur - A Monastery in Mendoza


The monastic way of life

Activity in a monastery begins very early in the morning. Monastics begin their practice by reciting or meditating for a few hours. After breakfast all the monastics gather to participate in a puja or offering and prayer ceremony. Finishing the ritual, the monastics perform some tasks for the monastery, such as cleaning or maintaining the gompa or temple, or serving their master. After breakfast and chores, another 2-3 hour period of meditation or study follows followed by lunch before noon and that is your last meal. After lunch there is a rest period followed by a teaching and then a review, discussion or study class.


The study program for monastics is fundamental and keeps monastics busy with the study of various root texts, with revision and discussion classes for about 8 to 10 hours a day.

During the annual period, the monastics make a three-month retreat, which is still practiced in the few Tibetan monasteries that exist in the West. The Buddha said that this period of contemplation was essential for a monastic's spiritual progress and for strengthening the community.


On weekends especially, special programs are offered as a guide to teachings or introduction to Buddhist practices for lay people who want to visit the monastery.

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